If you’re unable to work due to extended illness or injury, disability coverage can provide the financial security you need while you recover.
Our plan provides a percentage of your pre-disability earnings up to 180 days, for a qualified disability. Coverage for your disability may be subject to a waiting period of up to seven calendar days before your disability benefits will become effective. You are eligible for disability if you have an illness, pregnancy or accidental injury that prevents you from working and you are receiving appropriate care and treatment from a doctor on a continuing basis.
All leaves shall be considered continuous service. The company reserves the right to make the final judgment regarding the employee’s ability to continue or to return to work. However, local practices may vary.
Barnes provides basic long-term disability (LTD) coverage for eligible employees at no cost to you. This coverage pays a benefit equal to 50% of your base annual pay (inclusive of commission earnings) if you become disabled, up to a monthly maximum of $10,000 or $20,000, depending on your position. You must satisfy an eligibility waiting period before the plan benefits will take effect.
If you would like to purchase additional LTD coverage, you may choose from one of the supplemental LTD buy-up options available: 10% or 16 2/3%.
A qualifying long-term disability begins after 26 weeks of consecutive short-term disability, and continues to restrict your ability to perform work for which you are or could be qualified by education, training or experience.
Premiums for Supplemental LTD coverage are post-tax, therefore any benefits you receive from the plan are free from federal, state and Social Security taxes. Benefits from any employer-paid portion of LTD coverage are subject to taxes.
For specific long-term disability provisions, and any plan exclusions, we encourage you to consult the Long-Term Disability Plan SPD.
Notify your manager or supervisor and HR Representative of your absence from work as soon as possible.
Steps to take with Guardian
To expedite your disability claim filing process, please call toll-free at 1-888-262-5670 to initiate your claims as soon as your disability begins (or earlier for anticipated disabilities). Your claim can be initiated Monday through Friday, between the hours 8:00 am - 8:00 pm EST. Or, you may file online via the secure website - www.guardiananytime.com. Please be prepared to provide the following information:
- Your full name, address, phone number and social security number.
- Your employer name (Barnes Group Inc.) and employer contact name and phone number (your HR Representative)
- Your physician's name, address, phone and fax numbers.
Steps to take with your physician
- Prior to initiating your claim, please inform your physician that a Guardian representative will be contacting their office by phone to obtain medical information concerning your disability claim.
- Sign the Guardian authorization forms (form one and two) and and provide a copy to your physician to be retained in your patient file.
We suggest you call no more than 30 days in advance of a planned medical absence such as a prescheduled surgery or maternity leave.
For unexpected illnesses or injuries that will exceed five consecutive business days, you must file your claims as soon as possible.
The following checklist of information may be required when you make your claim request. Filing your new claim should take about 15 minutes. Please have this information ready when you call Guardian.
If someone else makes the call on your behalf, he or she will need to provide this information.
- Name of your employer
- Health care provider’s name, address, fax and phone numbers
- Your name
- Your Social Security number
- Your complete address and phone number
- Your date of birth
- Your marital status
- Your occupation (or job title)
- Supervisor’s name and phone number
- A brief description of your medical condition, including cause of condition (illness or injury), date of injury or beginning of illness, and whether it is work related
- The dates of your first medical visit, your most recent visit, and your next scheduled visit with your health care provider related to the disabling condition
- Your last day worked and your first day absent from work resulting from this condition
- The date you expect to return to work (if you know) or the actual date if you have already returned to work
- Work restrictions or limitations advised by your health care provider, if any
Prompt and complete information from you and your health care provider will help ensure a timely decision and payment if you are eligible.
If you meet the eligibility requirements for an absence allowed by the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA), your HR Representative will provide you with FMLA paperwork to run concurrently with your disability leave, providing you with job protection not to exceed the Federal or specific state’s FMLA requirements, whichever is most generous.
When you return to work from an approved disability, you will need to provide a Return to Work note or similar form completed by your physician, which includes the date permitted to return along with any return to work accommodations or restrictions. The Company reserves the right to make the final judgment regarding the employee’s ability to continue or to return to work.
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